When platforms effectively remove the intermediary, they can generate irresistible value for both suppliers and customers...
At their core, marketplaces are in the business of efficiency. Deeply optimized supply was the need of the hour in the world of construction...
In large industries, processes are entrenched. That means the problems in those processes are entrenched too.
Building a business-to-business (B2B) marketplace can be a bit like fishing. You find a good spot in the waters, bring along a strong hook, cast the line...
“You need to fall in love with the problem. You can't fall in love with the solution.” Lessons from Swiggy’s marketplace journey
We’re looking to meet founders building the next generation of marketplace startups. Our objective now is to support these founders with our experience and access to the Accel network.
India’s thriving in a digital world, and businesses that form the economy’s backbone have moved online too. However, the Indian supply chain is almost a maze...
The simple idea of matching demand and supply using technology has led to the creation of huge businesses globally. The advent of B2C marketplaces significantly
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