To celebrate Accel’s 40th anniversary, Anand Daniel sits down with Accel Partners from each of the global offices - Mahendran Balachandra (Bangalore), Sameer Gandhi (Bay Area), Harry Nelis (London) - to break down the trends that have dominated the global startup ecosystem over the past decades.
Over 50 years in venture capital, Jim has been a lead director of more than 50 successful companies. He was instrumental as a founder/mentor of Accel London and in the founding of Meritech Capital.
Phani and Nandan take part in this candid rapid fire. They talk about topics like self-doubt, work-life balance, and of course, Swiggy itself.
Raghunandan, as part of this rapid-fire, talks about his experience with TaxiForSure, what he'd change about his company, and managing stress.
Like software, pharma workplaces have gone remote. See how the next wave of digitization, AI, and robotic automation are revolutionizing how drugs are discovered and developed.
In 2015, Accel made a seed investment in Simility, a machine learning-based fraud detection platform...
Sairee shares her story of how her mad optimism about internet growth and a desire to do something to solve the gender gap triggered her to start SHEROES community.
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